
It's one tough series. Just as Delonte West. Cleveland.com

The Magic and Cavaliers series is going nasty, but great. The Magic are so far leading, 2-1, but they should have been leading, 3-0. I say Magic all the way. Why? Here are some of the strengths the Magic have the Cleveland is now where near of seeing. Here are some points that will help the Magic to victory.

Supporting Cast

This is the biggest part of the whole series. It is mainly Dwight Howard vs. LeBron James. But which one of these superstars has a better supporting cast? No doubt, it is Superman. Why?

Consider: According to ESPN.com, LeBron James is the leader in each of the categories. He leads the team in points, rebounds, assists, and blocks. LBJ's only trusted companion is Mo Williams, who averages close to 18 points per game.

Now to Dwight Howard.

Consider: Howard only leads in points, rebounds, and blocks. But it isn't all Howard with the Magic like it is all King James with the Cavs. Hedo Turkoglu leads in assists. Besides Howard, six players on the team average close to or more than ten points per game. Now compare that to Cleveland: four.

The supporting cast takes a big part. The Magic also have a lot of consistent shooters while Cleveland fails, as I and many of you have seen in the playoffs.


The Magic are probably better in this category, as I have observed with ESPN. The Magic average 101 points per game compared to Cleveland's 100.3. Just a small difference, but huge affect. The Magic average ten rebounds per game compared toward Cleveland's close to eleven per game.

Cleveland won that one, but again, it's pretty much all LeBron and he can't always get it. Then there is Cleveland's 20 assists per game compared towards Orlando's 19.4. You might think Cleveland is better on offense, but again, it's all LBJ.

LBJ, Mo, and Wally Szczerbiak are probably the only consistent three-point shooters. The Magic have probably have about four-to-six as far I have seen throughout the whole NBA season. The Magic also more consistent with their shooting.

In the playoffs, when one of the Magic players are wide open from behind-the-arc, they will make it. Cleveland can't. For example: In Game One of the Eastern Conference Finals, Rashard Lewis hit a three with 14.7 seconds left that made it look like an easy win. Then with game almost over, LeBron passed it to Mo and he passed it to a wide-open Delonte West. He missed it.

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The Magic can win on defense as well. The Magic beat Cleveland on defensive rebounds. Cleveland has 31.4 defensive rebounds per game compared towards Orlando's 33.3. Cleveland beats Orlando on steals by a ratio of 7.20-to-6.95. The Magic barely beat Cleveland in blocks by Orlando averaging 5.35 to Cleveland's 5.30.

So you can see, the Magic beat Cleveland in two out of three categories mentioned, the same number of how many games Magic won against Cleveland in the Eastern Conference Finals so far.


I already mentioned some but there are only three categories left. The Magic make more mistakes as they make 13 turnovers per game compared toward Cleveland's twelve. Cleveland and Orlando are both tied for personal fouls called with 20.3 per game. Then here is a pretty important one: technical fouls.

Magic make .9 per game compared towards Cleveland's .8. So Cleveland wins this category out of how many I have mentioned? Five. Cleveland is one-out-of-four in the categories which stands my case. The Magic are good all around.

The biggest take is the supporting cast. The superstars can't do everything, and that is why Cleveland got swept by San Antonio two years ago. They could be swept again this year. The Magic don't like underdogs in this series, Cleveland does. The Magic have been taking over all around.

Cleveland just got luck in Game Two. The Magic always kept leading at the end. Remember in Game One when the Cavaliers were taking a 15-points lead at the half and failed at the end? That is exactly what I am talking about: inconsistency.

I stand my case and that is why the Magic will win.


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