
.com/blogger_img_proxy/Written by Brandon Ribak, creator of Fantasy NBA Zone.
Also check out Brandon at Bleacher Report.

This article was originally published at Bleacher Report.

During Game Four of the Eastern Conference Finals, Dwight Howard was called for a technical foul for supposedly taunting Cleveland's Anderson Varejao after making a huge bucket late in the game.

After the game Howard said, "I was just playing with emotion," Dwight said Tuesday night after the win. "I wasn't taunting Varejao or anything. My thing was, it was a tough play, he grabbed me around the neck and I made the shot, so hopefully they will look at it."

This was Howard's sixth technical of the playoffs and as the rule book states, picking up a seventh technical foul results in automatic suspension during the next game played.

Obviously this was a low blow call for Orlando and could have been the building blocks for a total demolition.

Luckily, the NBA reviewed the play and rescinded the call, bringing D-Howard and his technical fouls throughout the playoffs to a combined total of five.

Now like most Magic fans, I was truly glad to hear the news. But when I brought about this topic into discussion with a friend of mine, he made me realize something that I never thought about before.

Why is it that a technical foul can be rescinded, but the one free-throw that the opposing team gets to shoot cannot?

I mean if you really think about it, literally every point in this series has made a major impact on the result of the game (three of the four games played have been decided by two points or less).

If the league can rescind one thing, why can they not take back another?

Please give me your opinions, concerns, thoughts, and if the NBA should do something about it or not.

The NBA officials are not letting the players play! It is the playoffs, guaranteed emotion and intensity will be spilt throughout the entire court.


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