
ryan howard.jpgRyan Howard is truly amazing. This kid has always been fun to watch, as many of us Phils fans have heard. With the Phils capturing a 4-0 win over the Florida Marlins (you got to hate them, Philly), greatness occurred in that win.

Let's flashback to this inning. The number is how old many of us were in like first grade.

For those of you who somewhat are confused right now, let's just say that Ryan Howard made a home run in the sixth inning. It was his 23rd homer of the season, but hey, he's been hitting about 50 balls out of the park for like the past three years so we it's not that big of a surprise.

But there is one big thing that was.

For those of you who were to lazy to even read the title of this article, Ryan Howard received an honor by snatching the 200th home run of his future-Hall-of-Fame (let's hope) career.

200 home runs. Pretty stellar? But there is something better than stellar as Ryan Howard's life is like Burger King, always having it his way, as he captured greatness by being the fastest player in MLB History to receive the 200 dinger mark.

He broke some dude's record from the 1940's and 1950's. But it isn't nice to call him "dude." The man that had held that record for quite a while, and now that has been broken (sorry man), is Ralph Kiner.

Let's see what the folks of ESPN had to ask about Howard knowing anything about Kiner:

"Uh, he's the guy whose record I broke. Not to be disrespectful or anything, but he was before my time."
It's true. But hey, don't blame him, it's not his fault he doesn't know a player that played about 30 years before he was born. Howard received this acheivement in his 658th game while Kiner got the 200 dinger mark at his 706th game, ESPN reports.

What makes it better is that Howard joins an elite eight-player group of players in part of the Phils roster that has reached the 200-homer-mark. Move aside, fella, there's a new kid in town.

And it's not only that Howard has got milk, he's got 200 dingers as well.

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