
Had he not coated his system with juice, using a fertility drug that produced artificial testosterones, Manny Ramirez wouldn’t be classified as baseball biggest juicier in the game.

But if there was a way to clean up his image and repossess credibility, he would have repaired respectability by being on his best behavior. On Friday, he advanced an inch closer, indicated by soulless fans that persisted in embracing the juicer as if he had returned from a rigid battle overseas.

No matter if Ramirez was in the solar system or Antarctica, he was removed from the game and served a 50-game suspension for fraud. At one point, he was described as the purist hitter in baseball, a cartoonish character wearing dreadlocks and presenting crazy antics.

But ever since he quitted in Boston, and reformed into a cancer, Ramirez was traded to the Dodgers and demolished the wonderful Mannywood campaign, problems that should have the Dodgers ownership and players raging. You would think that owner Frank McCourt won’t tolerate such heinous crimes, or enable a scam bigger than American taxpayers paying FED banking systems.

Besides enabling Ramirez of wrongdoings, the Dodgers should consider punishing him themselves. Just as the fans, they were cheated and betrayed and fell into a con, so it is relevant to punish him. Or the Dodgers might not want to take it too significantly, only to retain Ramirez after the season closes when his $45 million contract deal expires.

Think about it.

He didn’t only contaminate the game in the Steroid Era, but Ramirez embarrassed teammates and manager Joe Torre in his return to New York. It was the laughable antics, now it is his outburst that will hinge him of grappling credibility.

Just recently, he addressed the media and apologized of his shameful cheating, and cleared up some of the haziness surrounding him and the Dodgers.

Either way, questions will not dissolve until he decides to uncover specifics. An average reporter seeks the truth, and are inquisitive to find out how long he was doping, why did he feel he needed a doctors prescription and why did he surmised a drug to enhance his performance level and not used his artistic aptitude to deposit homers deep into the stands?

Those are some questions, he still hasn’t address, but what matters now is his behavior on the field in New York.

Currently, Ramirez is still acting brainless and as if he’s innocent. And I’m not buying into his guiltless notion.

Only naïve people will cheer on a juicer and phony. Entering Tuesday’s game in New York, revolved around Torre and Ramirez encountering the harsh media frenzy after avoiding questions in San Diego. He must realize that dodging questions are inevitable everywhere he goes in the upcoming weeks.

Besides the media, fans are glorifying Ramirez, eulogizing him and supporting his 600-club chase. They should snap out of their shameless brace of baseball’s biggest cheater and liar. They should realize hissy fits won’t heal rectitude, but will smudge loyalty.

So, temper is a problem for Ramirez, not just juicing as if he didn’t have a concept of what he was taking or aware of how it damaged status. As there are some fans that have common sense, the New York fans were anything but welcoming, and refused to give warm standing ovations.

Much of the night, they booed Ramirez and even held up a few syringes, I’ve would’ve expected the same type of activity in San Diego, bitter fans who booed and tossed syringes at Barry Bonds. Props to New York, fans that aren’t naïve and understand Ramirez is baseball’s disgrace and bigger than Alex Rodriguez.

Many don’t take body mass as an evident of steroid use, but all the one’s who have being caught for injected themselves with needles or swallowing pills, increased in body mass.

Bonds triceps grew, Sammy Sosa, chest popped out, A-Rod’s butt grew and Ramirez’s butt grew.

Even so, Ramirez makes us dislike him, after entertaining us with an imbecile outburst in the fifth inning. When he argued with home plate umpire, John Hirschbeck, who ruled strike three, Ramirez was enraged and dropped his bat, tossed his helmet and chucked his elbow pad, frustrated and disgusted of all the steroid interruptions.

He departed when the Dodgers had a commanding lead, predicated upon his damaged done prior to the ejection. In the midst of a superb night, in a city that hated his guts, Ramirez led the Dodgers in the hitting department, driving in three runs in an 8-0 win over the Mets as they ascended atop the National League standings.

Umbrage isn’t a good way to get rid of baggage and make an impression on people who lost tremendous respect and will not tribute him of the previous revelations that will hunt Ramirez for the rest of his career. But somehow, he finished in the seventh spot and qualifies for a starting spot in the All-Star game.

And his stellar hitting continues purer than ever, hitting .340 with seven home runs and 24 RBI’s and is 3-for-11 in his return to the starting lineup. Still, I can’t embrace the other six homers drilled into the stands, and not even the seventh that came in the second game of a three-game series against the Padres in San Diego, where fans threw a pointless block party as if Mannywood had moved locations.

Sure enough, Ramirez is mocking himself, and many people are laughing. As people watch MANNY BEING A CLOWN, laughing at the foolish explosions, are more hilarious than his obnoxious antics in Boston.

Is there anything else? Yes, the biggest shame on the game.

It’s funny how fans support him through his fraudulent times.


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