Oh, sure, hire a fraudulent, no-good sleaze failing to realize the circumstances of becoming the next suspect of a despicable crime. Whether UTEP is desperate or indulgent, athletic director Bob Stull wasn’t thinking, and now is willing to lavish Tim Floyd with a coaching job.
In what seemed to be a tragicomedy at USC, it turns out revelations weren’t disastrous enough to influence an athletic director with good sense to avoid hiring an insidious goon.
What is so impressive about Floyd? Why in the hell is Stull giving a second chance to a coach, who is known as the dirtiest cheater in college basketball? Something reeks with the new hiring in the desert, something smells awful. And it’s not the smell of fresh air or rain, but a disgusting smell that no one should stomach. There’s nothing brilliant in signing a fraud or bringing someone aboard with an awful reputation and an insensitive psyche, heedless of a school’s image, and leaving one of the most regal programs abruptly in a repulsive scandal.
Keep in mind that Floyd embarrassed and fled USC, when he was accused of bribing and handing $1,000 to O.J. Mayo’s adviser Rodney Guillory. That year, Mayo was the best player at Southern California, even though accusations surfaced that he wasn’t recruited legitimately, but instead paid off at a Beverly Hills eatery. It’s hard to prove whether he received cash, but it’s not difficult suggesting that Floyd was a bad boy caught committing a dreadful act.
Most coaches resolve the issues, instead of hightailing to the nearest taxi and airport for a one-way ticket as a way to escape wrongdoing. Hardly, coaches run away from problems without fixing a troubling issue. Perhaps, there’s merely one coach out there content with leaving behind a mess and an ailing program in shambles. It’s Mr. Floyd, you know, the bad boy with no morals or a modest demeanor. Except solving it, Floyd resigned without providing specifics on what really took place behind the scenes.
And his name isn’t clear of guilt, sadly tainted with violations of NCAA rules. It’s amazing that our country blasts John Calipari as a cheater, and condones that Floyd’s scandals are minor. If people bash Calipari, then in fairness, we should blast Floyd as well. He allegedly made a cash transactions, a misdeed worse than Calipari’s unawareness of his former student-athletes receiving cash.
I’m not sure why any program wants to put themselves in a predicament this severe. No coach with baggage is worth the headaches, no coach with flaws is worth the time. There were other coaches available, that UTEP trustees may have been more privileged to interview and evaluate. By rushing to find a new coach and establish a foundation within an up-and-coming program among all coaches, Stull signed a problematic rogue in Floyd.
So now winning doesn’t matter, neither does respectability as a legitimate force. All UTEP needed was a few days to deliberate and hire a new coach, anyone other than Floyd. Because of his atrocious past, no one should be surprised if he replicates similar results at UTEP. Of course, any coach denies accusations as a way to salvage his reputation. It almost seems startling that a school took a risk, even if he’s innocent and a mistaken identity.
This is neither the right coach, nor the perfect job for Floyd. Like it or not, if he has a pattern in committing violations, a sickness will never vanish as long as he benefits from wrongly manipulating top high school prospects to verbally commit and sign. And then later, heavy burdens stains a thought-to-be legit program as Floyd’s initial intentions will lead to a sudden departure, once again leaving another school in disarray.
As corrupted as the college basketball system is, a sham is brewing at UTEP for hiring a bad coach. That’s bad for the game. Given that he has been accused for egregious cheating is the epitome of further complications unhinging. It’s almost laughable that a sham is given a job amid a recession, and anointed for deceit or faulty judgment. Months later, maybe there’ll be another scandal, only this time at UTEP. That’s something to take into consideration, right?
This is absurd.
After all, he’s not the first one with infractions against and hired as a coach again. The last program to make such a foolish mistake was Indiana when it hired Kelvin Sampson, an infamous idiot still been investigated for recruiting and luring in athletes over the phone. That was a resemblance of what transpired at Oklahoma, where he also cheated by using the hotline.
Because of Floyd’s brilliant recruiting it compelled the NCAA to introduce legislation known as the “eight-and-five” rule, in which coaches had a name for calling it “The Tim Floyd Rule.” It was organized to limit schools to a maximum of five scholarship freshmen in one year and eight over two years. But truly it’s hard to believe if this was done legitimate.
To this day, we’re always emphasizing the significance of integrity and sportsmanlike conduct, but as it turns out, Floyd doesn’t follow a classy ritual. For instance at Iowa State, he recruited over the 13-scholarship limit and at USC the latest incident came about, while he was praised for rebuilding a motionless program.
Hearing all of this, what was Stull thinking?
He just hired a rogue.
As a result, all Miners fans should worry about this coaching hiring.