
The New York Knicks are happy with the acquisition of Carmelo Anthony, but the team is usually worried about their defense.

Coach Mike D'Antoni tells them to calm down, and adding a few more things, according to NothJersey.com:

On whether the fans' "anxiety" is warranted: "It's great. They care. Take some Prozac or something, hang in there. We're hanging in there. We're pedaling as fast as we can pedal.
"You can see there are some efficiencies and some holes. Our defense has gotten a little worse and we've got to get better. ..." [...]
More on the "hysteria": "The biggest thing, and I'm going to keep repeating, is we're not going to get caught up in the hysteria. We're going to be who we are. We're going to play as well as we can and get it together and hang together as a group and try to make the playoffs and try to do as good as we can."
Prozac, huh? Way to say it, pal. 


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