
Welcome back to the "Greatest Ever"series as we continue with the ranks of the greatest interior defenders in the NBA History!

They say defense wins championships and they are right.No matter how good potent offense you have,you can't win titles,playoff series,games without solid team defense in which usually the centers and power forwards do it best

In the past 20 years,all of the franchises that added the Larry O'Brien Trophy had outstanding protection of the rim from players who are more than solid in that part of the game.

Here are some notable names such as Tim Duncan,Kevin Garnett,Ben Wallace,Alonzo Mourning etc

Even in the past,teams had their own front courts of defensive walls who would do everything in their power to stop you from scoring the 2 points like for example,the Knicks championship rosters from the 70's and so on

Playing defense in the paint is easier to say than done.It's not all about guarding your man but it's also about helping out your team mate,blocking and effecting shots,grabbing the defensive rebounds by boxing out well etc.

So,basically the team that in these days can find some guy that can do all of this,has actually chance for winning it all.

Based on this,there are 3 types of defensive presence who rule in the paint and they are: physical, intelligent and master of the fundamentals.

Defenders that are physical presence,are challenging every shot/lay up/dunk attempt at the rim with getting straight in your face and clean the glass with little aggression,with the will to prove you and let you know you aren't getting the easy 2

There are guys who rely on their incredible high IQ and are able to block your shot attempt at the rim by almost getting out of no where when you think you have the easy 2.Those are smart defenders who know when to go at you

Then there are the guys who play brilliant defense by mastering and understanding the fundamentals of defense,swat shots etc.These players in generally when they deny a shot,they keep their team in possesion

The intelligent defenders are the ones who rely on their basketball IQ and instincts, as they often come up from side and in the right moment.

Without further ado, here are the greatest post defenders in the NBA History!

12.Bill Walton

Presence in the paint:Master Of Fundamentals

Bill Walton was one of the game's greatest interior stoppers of all time, who put that skill of his on display especially when he was healthy and dominated in that aspect.

Walton wasn't a physically gifted center, but he mastered the fundamentals, relied on his superior intelligence, used his size, length and skills to establish himself as a force under his paint.

Had there was a Defensive Player Of The Year in his time, he'd most likely win one. He also held his own against the many great opponents like Kareem and so on.

He was effective presence in the post defensively, and his peak years were one of the finest defensive seasons of all time. He impacted in the Blazers winning year thanks to his defense and rebounding.

Notable Career Facts and Stats

He led the NBA in rebounds (14.4) and blocked shots (3.3) per game in 1976-77 season

He averaged 19 rebounds and 3.7 blocks per game through that Finals series!

He went for 29 rebounds and seven blocks in Game 3, and 23 rebounds plus seven blocks in Game 6 of the 76-77 Finals.

All NBA Defensive Selections: Two (All-First Defensive Team)

His career defensive rebound percent of 30.2 is ranked No. 1 in the history of the NBA!

His career defensive rating of 96.3 is ranked No.8 in the history of the NBA!

His playoff defensive rating of 97.8 is ranked No. 3 in playoff history!

11.Artis Gilmore

Presence in the paint:Physical

A physically gifted center who was a dominant defensive presence in the paint, Artis Gilmore was one of the best post defenders of all time.

The A-Train relied on his superior physicality to be effective stopper. At 7'2 he had great size, was athletic, had great vertical jump and strength, as he was regarded as one of the strongest men to play basketball ever.

Artis was one of the top shot blockers ever. He ranks fourth in blocked shots with his combined career. He was notable for his ability to pull down rebounds in his paint too.

Gilmore was remarkable one on one defender as well, which led to praise from rivals such as Bill Walton and Kareem Abdul Jabbar. Here are some career facts.

Notable Career Facts and Stats (Featuring NBA/ABA Stats Combined):

All-Defensive Selections: Six (Five All-ABA First Defensive/ One All-NBA Second Defensive Team)

His career total of 11,514 defensive rebounds is ranked No. 1 all time

His career total of 3,178 blocked shots is ranked No. 4 all time

His career block average of 2.4 is ranked No. 14 all time

His career defensive rebound percent of 24.9 is ranked No. 13 all time

His playoff total of 168 blocked shots is ranked No. 21 all time

His playoff average of 2.2 blocked shots per game is ranked No. 10 all time

His playoff total of 808 defensive rebounds is ranked No. 27 all time

His career defensive win share of 75.54 is ranked No. 10 all time

He led the ABA five times in total defensive rebounds!

He led the ABA three times in total blocked shots!

10.Alonzo Mourning

Presence In The Paint:Physical

A powerful presence in the paint who made his mark with his physicality, Alonzo Mourning was one of the best interior defenders of all time.

Despite the lack of size, Zo relied on his athleticism, leaping ability, strength and length to be effective in the post. His instincts and skill set were great too.

Mourning was one of the best shot blockers to ever play in the NBA, as he contested stopped many shots and alerted dozens of others well. He's got some nice numbers to back that up.

This made him a feared help defender, and complimented his one on one ability. He matched up well versus the likes of Shaq, Hakeem against which he did pretty well.

His consistent high level of play made his teams great and his defense was one of the keys in Heat's 06 Finals run. He was also an All-Star big man thanks to his defense.

Notable Career Facts

-Defensive Player Of The Year awards:Two (won them in his prime)

-All NBA Defensive Teams:two (largely because he played with Hakeem, Ewing, Robinson and so on)

-Career Rebounds:7.137 (8.5)—————————————————665 (7.0)

-Career Blocked Shots:2.356 (2.8)———————————————–215 (2.3)

-His career block total ranks No.12 on the all time list

-His career blocking average ranks No.6 on the all time list

-His career block percent ranks No.6 on the all time list

-His playoffs block total ranks No.16 on the all time list

-His playoffs blocking average ranks No.9 on the all time list

9.Ben Wallace

Presence In The Paint:Physical

A big man who was blessed with excellent physical gifts such as athleticism, strength, vertical jump etc, combined with instincts and skill set that made him a force.

Ben Wallace was simply said, one of the greatest interior defenders in the NBA History. He established himself as superb presence in the paint, who was one of the keys to Detroit's '04 title run.

Big Ben was one of the top shot blockers to play the game, as he won a block title and is ranked among the all time leaders. Also, he was great at interrupting passes.

Additionally, Wallace controlled his own glass pretty well. He was notable for his help and individual defense too. In fact, he was so intimating and feared throughout his career.

His abilities were awarded with four Defensive Player Of The Year awards, an all time record which speaks a lot about him. Here are career facts about him.

Notable Career Facts:
  • Defensive Player Of The Year: 4 (2003,04,05,06____shares that record with Dikembe)
  • All NBA Defensive Teams: 6 (5x All-First)
  • Rebound titles: 2x (15.4,13.0)
  • Rebounds: 10,034 (10.1)————————————1454 (11.2)
  • Blocks: 2,055 (2,1)——————————————–250 (1.9)
  • Ranks No.16 in the playoffs history for most blocks per game recorded ever
  • Ranks No.10 in the playoffs history for most blocks
  • Ranks No.18 on the all time list for career blocks
  • Ranks No.41 in most rebounds grabbed per game in career
  • Ranks No.34 on the all time list for most career rebounds
  • Ranks No.55 on the all time lists for most steals
  • Had 6 seasons of at least,10+ boards,2+ blocks and 1+ steals per game

8.Kevin Garnett

Presence In The Paint:Physical

Kevin Garnett, a terrific power forward, he has made his presence known in the post for numerous years. He's one of the best interior defenders of all time.

He is notable for being one of the physically most gifted players in the league's history. KG is tall, strong, quick big man with outstanding athleticism, leaping ability and length.

Additionally, Kevin had great skills, instincts and the little things such as timing to be a force in his own paint. He's also terrific in one on one match ups.

He slowed down many great opponents at his position. Garnett is also superb in terms of helping out his team mates and is excellent shot blocker too.

His consistency was remarkable, as the nine All-Defensive First Selections (an all time record), backs that up. Since his years as a Celtic, his defense has stood out from the rest for also other reasons.

Aggressiveness, intensiveness have helped him maximize his abilities. He won a Defensive Player Of The Year award too, and his post defense was instrumental to Boston's '08 championship.

8.Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Presence in the paint:Intelligent

Kareem Abdul Jabbar was much more known for his offensive abilities, but the truth is, he was nearly just as good on defense. He was one of the best post defenders in the NBA History.

As a center, he had it all. He was superb physically gifted big man, who had size, length, athleticism etc. He also had fine skill set but his finest assest was his intelligence.

Jabbar was one of the greatest shot blockers to play the game. He was known for his weak side rejections. For a decade and more, he was either leading the league in blocks (which he did four times) or was in the top 3.

He was a remarkable presence in the post for sure. To prove that, i'll point out the fact that his Bucks in opponent FG% for four straight years despite not having other All-Defensive member besides him.

Kareem also led the league few times in defensive rebounds, which is why he was great in pulling down missed shots and he holds the all time record too.

He was consistent member of the league's All-Defensive Team, and had there been a Defensive Player Of The Year award, he'd have most likely won few.

Notable Career Facts and Stats

All-NBA Defensive Team Selection: 11 (Five All-First Defensive/Six All-Second Defensive Team)

Block Titles: Four

His career total of 3,189 blocked shots is ranked No. 3 on the all-time lists

His playoff total of 476 is the all-time best in playoff history

His playoff average of 2.4 blocks per game is ranked No. 8 in playoff history

His playoff total of 1,273 rebounds is ranked No. 5 in playoff history

His career total of 9,394 defensive rebounds is ranked No. 9 all time

His career defensive rating of 94.49 is ranked No. 2 all time

His playoff defensive rating of 13.74 is ranked No. 4 in playoff history

He has led the NBA twice in total defensive rebounds

His total of 1,111 defensive rebounds is an NBA record

7.David Robinson

Presence In The Paint:Physical

An outstanding center who dominated on defense based on his superb physicality, David Robinson was one of the best post defenders of all time.

Besides the already obvious physical advantages, the Admiral was a skilled stopper who had great timing, instincts and was never afraid to challenge everything.

When it came to shot blocking, he was among the greatest shot blockers ever. He translated his physical gifts pretty well and blocked a ton of shots. He's got some nice numbers that back him up.

David was also a terrific one on one defensive player, who did in particular well versus excellent offensive threats such as Shaquille, Hakeem (expect in '95 WCF), Ewing and so on.

Additionally, Robinson excelled in help defense, as his ability to alert and swat shots really came out as his strength. He was also great at pulling down shots in his own paint too.

He was awarded with a Defensive Player Of The Year and other awards for his great defensive abilities. Here are some career facts about him.

Notable Career Facts:

-Defensive Player Of The Year: one (1992)

-All NBA Defensive Selections: Eight (4x All-First)

-Rebounds: 10,497 (10.6)—————1301 boards (10.6)

-Blocks: 2,954 (3.0)————————-312 blocks (2.5)

-Ranks No.5 in terms of most blocks during the playoffs

-Ranks No.6 in most blocked shots per game during the playoffs

-Ranks No.6 on the all-time list in most blocked shots

-Ranks No.4 on the all-time list in most blocked shots per game

-Ranks No.30 in most rebounds per game during career

6.Dikembe Mutombo

Presence In The Paint:Physical

A big man who was notable for his ability to defend the post, Dikembe Mutombo is one of the greatest interior defenders to step on a NBA Hardwood.

Dikembe relied on his physical gifts such as size (7'2), athleticism, length and strength which he combined great skills and timing to be a force on defense.

Mutombo was one of the top shot blockers of all time. He had the needed tools to excel in it. His total of blocked shots is ranked second and he led most times in total blocks.

He was also notable in the help defense, and he excelled in one on one match ups. Dikembe was also superb in his duels with other great big men, as he often slowed the likes of Shaq, Hakeem etc pretty well.

Additionally, he won four Defensive Player Of The Year awards (an all time record), a true proof of his true consistent excellence on the defense.

Notable Career Facts:

-Defensive Player Of The Year: 4 (NBA record,shares it with Big Ben)

-All NBA Defensive Selections: 6 (including 3x All-First)

-Blocked shots: 3,289 (2.8)————————–251 (2.5)

-Rebounds: 12,359 (10.3)———————————–962 (9.5)

-Ranks at No.2 in most career blocks

-Ranks at No.7 in most blocks per game

-Ranks at No.35 in most career rebounds per game

-Ranks at No.18 in most boards grabbed for career

-Ranks at No.10 in most playoff blocks

-Ranks at No.7 in most blocks per game during the playoffs

-Ranks at No.15 in most career defensive win share

-Ranks at No.8 in career defensive rebound percent

-3x block titles

-5x leader in total blocks

-2x rebound titles

5.Nate Thurmond

Presence In The Paint:Physical

An overlooked center who even though he was overshadowed of his peers but made his mark as a dominant presence in the post, Nate Thurmond is one of the best interior defenders in the NBA History.

Among the skills, basketball instincts and all of the little things such as timing, he relied on his superior physical gifts like athleticism, size, strength, leaping ability etc.

He was one of the best shot blockers of all time. Some say that he blocked more shots in his prime than Hakeem. Had blocked shots been official throughout his entire career, he'd have ranked among the top.

He was an effective and intimating presence because of this. Nate also excelled in one on one defense. He contained Wilt, Kareem, Petitt and other big men well, which led to many praises from his peers.

Thurmond was superior under in his paint, as his average of 15.0 career pulled down shots is ranked as the fifth highest ever, and even had three seasons above 20 rebounds too.

A respectable argument can be made for him as the greatest defensive player in the NBA History. Here are some career facts about him

Notable Career Stats and Facts

All-NBA Defensive Selections: Five (Two All-First Defensive/Three All-Second Defensive Teams)

His career rebound total of 14,464 rebounds is ranked No. 9 all time

His career rebound average of 15.0 is ranked No. 5 all time

His playoff total of 1,101 rebounds is ranked No. 33 in playoff history

His playoff average of 13.6 rebounds per game is ranked No. 10 in playoff history

His career defensive win share rating of 62.2 is ranked No. 23 in playoff history

4.Tim Duncan

Presence In The Paint:Master Of Fundamentals

Despite being labeled as a boring player, but Tim Duncan's style of play have him a legend. He's always been outstanding at defense, as he's one of the best post defenders in the NBA History.

He has based his excellence on defense, by mastering the fundamentals, relying on skills and his high basketball intelligence. He knows how to use his advantages.

Timmy's second to Bill Russell in terms of beating his opponents in the air because he has incredible timing, a sense not to foul the shooter and not to allow second chances for his opponents.

That makes him one of the best shot blockers of all time. He's also known for his weak side rejections too. Additionally, he has the stats to back him up.

Also, he's been a terrific one on one stopper, who has slowed numerous great players at his position. Tim has been superb presence on his own glass, as he even led the league once in that category too.

He could be argued as the best defensive player to play the game. His consistent high level of play on defense, is only for respect. Here are some career facts.

Notable Career Facts:

-All NBA Defensive Selections: 13 (including 8x All-First)

-NBA All time leader in most defensive selections

-Career Rebounds: 11,529 (11.6)————————–2114 (12.4)

-Career Blocked shots: 2,273 (2.3)————————438 (2.6)

-Ranks at No.4 in the playoffs for most blocked shots

-Ranks at No.11 in most career blocked shots

-Ranks at No.16 in career blocks per game

-Ranks at No.24 in terms of most rebounds grabbed in career

-Ranks at No.20 in career rebounds per game

-Ranks at No.15 in playoff rebounds per game

-Ranks at No.7 in career defensive win shares (82.9)

-Ranks at No.5 in playoffs defensive win shares (13.0)

-Ranks at No.2 in career defensive rating

-Ranks at No.14 in playoff defensive rating

-Ranks at No.7 in career defensive win share

-Ranks at No.5 in playoff defensive win share

-Ranks at No.7 in career defensive rebound percent

-Ranks at No.9 in playoff defensive rebound percent

3.Wilt Chamberlain

Presence In The Paint:Physical

Wilt Chamberlain is known as a dominant offensive force, as many factors point that out. However, the truth is, he was a phenomenal defensive player too.

He was one of the best interior defenders to step on a NBA Hardwood. The Big Dipper relied on his arguably unmatched physical gifts, high basketball IQ and instincts to excel.

Wilt was known as one of the greatest shot blockers of all time, who has a respectable case for the first spot. He challenged all shots, and he blocked more than anyone else ever did.

But statistics like blocks weren't official, otherwise he'd have been at the top. Chamberlain excelled in one on one defense. Only three guys shot over 50% from field against him, which is why he perhaps topped them all.

This is fantastic, because he faced numerous Hall Of Fame big men at his position. He excelled on the glass, as his ability to rebound the ball in his paint was second to none.

Wilt was an outstanding presence in the post, and very intimating as well. He was truly dominant. He could be argued as the finest stopper to play the game. Here are some career facts

Notable Career Stats and Facts

All-NBA Defensive Selections: Two (Both are All-First Defensive Teams)

His career total of 23,924 rebounds is the best all time

His career average of 22.9 rebounds per game is the best all time

His career defensive win share of 93.9 is ranked No. 4 all time

His playoff defensive win share of 15.81 is ranked No. 2 all time

His playoff average of 24.46 rebounds per game is second-best all time

His playoff total of 3,913 rebounds is also second-best all time

He led the league 11 times in rebounding, which is by far more times than anyone else

2.Hakeem Olajuwon

Presence In The Paint:Master Of Fundamentals

A dominant force on the defensive end that made everyone think twice when attacking the rim, Hakeem Olajuwon was one of the best post defenders to play the game.

As a stopper, he had it all. His physical gifts were at the near top, he had a high basketball IQ, great instincts, mastered the fundamentals pretty well and translated his advantages well.

For a period of 18 years, he dominated in his paint defensively.

Hakeem was one of the best shot blockers ever. He's the official all time leader in blocked shots, and also in average for the playoffs. That is outstanding

Unlike the most these days, he actually kept the ball, timed his blocks to near perfection etc. Olajuwon excelled in one on one duels. He has guarded many Hall Of Fame centers such as Shaquille, Kareem, Ewing pretty well.

In fact, he held some of those guys to below 40% from field and put them in consistent trouble. He was always capable to lock his man, and he had many outstanding display of defensive excellence to prove that.

Olajuwon's consistent excellent play of greatness on defense earned him numerous awards that acknowledged that. In fact, for him a respectable case can be made for the best defender ever honor.

Here are some career facts.

Notable Career Facts:

-Defensive Player Of The Year: 2 (1993,94)

-All NBA Defensive Selections: 9 (those include 5x all first)

-NBA All Time leader in blocked shots

-Rebounds: 13,748 (11.1)————————————–1621 (11.2)

-Blocked shots: 3,830 (3.1)———————————472 (3.3)

-Ranks at No.1 in most career blocks of all time

-Ranks at No.1 in most playoff blocks per game

-Ranks at No.2 in most career blocks in total

-Ranks at No.3 in most career blocks per game

-Ranks at No.5 in career defensive win share

-Ranks at No.11 in playoff defensive win share

-Ranks at No.22 in career defensive rebound percent

-Ranks at No.27 in playoff defensive rebound percent

-Ranks at No.11 in career total rebounds

-Ranks at No.25 in career rebound average

-Ranks at No.9 in most steals, No.1 by far more then any other big men

-2x rebound titles (2x leader in total, who averaged ridiculous 16.8 boards in the playoffs)

-3x block titles (2x in total, averaged insane 4.6 blocks per game)

-5x leader in defensive rating

1.Bill Russell

Presence In The Paint:Master Of Fundamentals

A legendary center who proved that you can be a superstar even with your great defensive abilities, Bill Russell perhaps doesn't have a peer when it comes to defense.

He was arguably the best post defender to step on a NBA Hardwood. He had terrific physical gifts, understood the fundamentals well, had a really high basketball IQ, skills, instincts etc etc.

In other words, he had it all. He was second to none in terms of shot blocking. Bill mastered three things to excel:1) perfect timing, 2) not fouling the shooter and 3) tipping the ball to himself or his team mates.

Russell would have ranked at the top (most likely in the playoffs and finals) in this category. He was also terrific in one on one duels. He held prolific offensive threats like Wilt, Pettit, Bellamy etc below their averages.

He was also a fantastic rebounder, who excelled in grabbing the missed shots in his own paint for many reasons. His career averages back that up.

His defensive presence was arguably the most intimating and topped everyone else's. He intimated players when attacking the basket and made the offense think twice.

Thanks to his brilliance, the Celtics won amazing 11 titles. And the real reason was his legendary display of brilliant defense throughout his entire playing days.

Here are some career facts.

Notable Career Facts:

-All NBA Defensive Teams: 1 (All-First; the award came late in Russell’s career as he was about to retire that time)

-Rebounds: 21,620 (22.5)————————————–4,104 rebounds (24.9)

-Ranks No.1 in career defensive win share

-Ranks No.1 in playoff defensive win share

-Ranks No.1 in total rebounds during playoffs

-Ranks No.1 in most rebounds per game during playoffs

-Ranks No.1 in most rebounds during the Finals

-Ranks No.2 in total career boards

-Ranks No.2 in total career boards per game


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