
You see that tweet up there? That tweet pissed off former New England Patriots' linebacker and current ESPN analyst, Teddy Brushci.

After Tom Brady's stellar 517-yard, four-touchdown performance against the Miami Dolphins, Chad Ochocinco decided to give a nice tweet to his new quarterback. After the 38-24 victory, Ochocinco tweeted, "Just waking up after a late arrival, I've never seen a machine operate like that n person, to see video game numbers put up n person was WOW."

Ochocinco came in to New England hopefully to become the new Randy Moss for them. He didn't exactly get off to a proper start, only having one reception for 14 yards in the game. However, despite all of this, Brushci decided to go ahead and rip Chad.

Brushci said things like that Ochocinco should "drop the awe factor" and "stop tweeting and get in your playbook." He said Ochocinco was looking at the game from the fan perspective and should assume this is the team's expectation.

"You're not someone who's on another team or watching TV," Bruschi said. "You're not an analyst. You're a part of it. They want you to be a part of it. So get with the program because obviously you're not getting it and you're tweeting because you're saying, 'It's amazing to see'? It's amazing to see because you don't understand it. You still don't understand it and it's amazing to you because you can't get it.

"Wake up! If you're just waking up now -- I don't know when this was, six minutes ago? -- get out your bed and get to the stadium and watch some film if you still think it's amazing. If you're in it and you know what you're doing and you execute out there, you don't think it's amazing. You know why? Because it's what you're supposed to do."

But Tom Brady said Ocho has in fact been working hard, however.

"Chad, from the day that he got here, he's worked really hard to be a part of this offense and be involved," Brady told the "Dennis & Callahan" program.

"I don't know when he said that [about being in awe] or what he said, but I know that we're counting on him to be a huge contributor. And he expects that, too. He expects to be out there making plays. When I'm in the huddle with him, he's very excited about being out there, making catches, doing the right thing and being in the right spot."

Ochocinco has been working hard, I don't question that. Like the guys said on "Around the Horn" today: he should probably work on his route-running, though.

But this Brushci blast was very uncalled for and shouldn't even be said. What is this Teddy? It's probably because he doesn't even like Chad. And that has to be the case.

I don't see how you can be upset by this tweet. He's just cheering on his quarterback.

What do you think? What is so bad about this tweet?


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