
Tiger Woods' former caddie, Steve Williams, received heavy criticism after dropping a racist remark during the Annual Caddy Awards in Shanghai.

Williams said during the awards: "My aim was to shove it right up that black ---hole." Criticism blew up at Williams for the remark, which did seem racist for a fact.

Williams later apologized on his website, saying, "I apologize for comments I made last night at the Annual Caddy Awards dinner in Shanghai. Players and caddies look forward to this evening all year and the spirit is always joking and fun. I now realize how my comments could be construed as racist. However I assure you that was not my intent. I sincerely apologize to Tiger and anyone else I have offended."

The damage has been done though. What a stupid mistake, you just don't say things like that.

It's gonna be a rough road for Williams for these next few weeks, maybe even months.


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