
After making his surprising comments yesterday on the possibility of a return to the Cleveland Cavaliers, LeBron James told everyone not to worry on his current status with the Miami Heat. Everything is fine, and all LBJ is worried about is getting a ring with the Heat and focusing on them solely.

James calmed down his fans in South Beach today, saying in a statement: "The question is could I see myself playing back (in Cleveland). I said 'yeah' in the sense of I don't know what my future holds and I don't want to take that (option) out. I answered truthfully.

"But it's all about this season for me and it's all about playing with this Miami Heat team and trying to win an NBA championship. The fans of Miami shouldn't be worried about anything at this point."

The big thing that came out of yesterday's comments from James was when he said, "If I decide to come back, hopefully the fans will accept me."

Listen, I think LeBron really needs to keep his mouth shut right now. This is all just unnecessary. Right now, he shouldn't be saying this and getting attention now. Jeremy Lin has already took over that spot. All James should focus on is getting that first ring.

"I'm already on LeBron watch; for the most part, everything I do is the LeBron watch," said James. "I've got everything invested with this team. ... My mindset is on helping this team win a championship and as a team get better every day. I'm looking forward to getting back to Miami and seeing the fans."

The Cavaliers have already gone through enough and for them to hear these comments seem really upsetting for the most part, I think, for them.


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