
The Miami Heat have been a very classy organization when it comes to issues surrounding the world. Just recently, they put up their hoods in a team photo in honor of fallen teenager victim, Trayvon Martin.

For the Make-a-Wish Foundation, Miami helped out fighting cancer patient Thiago D'Elia, a 17-year-old who plays basketball himself and is a sharpshooter from behind-the-arc. The Heat really made his dream come true, as he wanted to see LeBron James.

"It's unreal," D'Elia said. "No words for it, really. It's kind of overwhelming but once you get used to it, it's pretty fun."

The Heat gave him a customized uniform with his jersey number from high school basketball: No. 32. At the end of the team's practice on Saturday, all the players took place in the halfcourt shooting contest including D'Elia.

"He's a great kid, from the story we've gotten to know about him, and it was a joy to have him with us today," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "Not only for him, but also coming off a night like last night it certainly keeps everything in perspective for all of us. We are in the toy department of human affairs."

Thiago's mother, Laura Roig, thanked LeBron and he hugged her. She had to raise Thiago all by herself.

"It brings it all in perspective," James said. "The game is bigger than just five-on-five or the two teams meeting last night. We've got fans all over the place and for him to be here, for this organization to put this together, man, it means a lot."

"It's great," Dwyane Wade said. "It's always a good opportunity to understand things are bigger than wins and losses in life. And it was good for our team. Perfect timing for us."

Really generous of Miami for what they done, giving a kid a moment he will always remember.


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