
[caption id="attachment_26484" align="aligncenter" width="620"]Rob Carr/Getty Images Rob Carr/Getty Images[/caption]

"As noted Monday, it's possible that we may have seen the last of Carson Palmer in an Oakland Raiders uniform, as it's 'highly unlikely' that the QB will take a pay cut," says ESPN's Adam Schefter. "The Raiders now have three options: hang on to Palmer and pay him his $13 million for 2013, trade him or release him."

Palmer blows, and the Raiders are nowhere close to being a good team. They should cut him and draft Geno Smith. Do we know Smith will be a great QB? No, but he has a ton more upside than Palmer and that's really all that matters right now.

If Palmer does get cut, there are rumors that the Arizona Cardinals will jump at the chance to sign him. I think Palmer is a bum, and with that, I would never trust any USC quarterback with my team.


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