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The Toronto Raptors fans have had enough of former No. 1-overall pick, Andrea Bargnani. They've had their wish granted because Bargnani is finished for the year with an elbow injury, the same elbow that cost Bargnani some court action this year.

From The Star:
Bargnani missed 26 games earlier in the year with wrist and elbow injuries. He’s now suffered a new injury in the same elbow — an “avulsion sprain” — that will sideline him 3-4 weeks.

Fans would love to see the big man shipped out of town. General manager Bryan Colangelo actively tried to trade Bargnani before the trade deadline but couldn't find any takers. It appears the Raptors might be stuck with a player who has disappointed them one too many times.

There could be hope, though. The idea of Bargnani being waived via the amnesty-clause has been floated out there. It might be difficult to part ways with a player once thought of to be a cornerstone of the franchise, but the decision is made a lot easier since Bargnani has two years and $22 million left on his contract.

If Bargnani is set free during the off-season, is there still a place for him in the league? While some may say he should go back to Europe, I think he could excel in a place where expectations for him to carry a team aren't so high.

In my opinion, I really think Bargnani would fit in well with the San Antonio Spurs. The Spurs have an international flavor, plus he could play under Tim Duncan for a few years. Think about it, the Spurs have earned Nazr Mohammed a few extra paychecks, and it damn sure wasn't his time in Detroit that did it.

The Los Angeles Lakers and the Chicago Bulls could possibly be a landing spot for Bargnani, more so the Bulls where he could come in as a sixth man.

No one knows what's going to happen, but one thing is for sure: Bargnani more than likely is headed out of Toronto.


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