
Leroy Butler May 2013NBA player Jason Collins has received a lot of support and some backlash after announcing that he was gay. He has become the first active player in a major sport to announce they are homosexual.

Former Green Bay Packers safety Leroy Butler offered a few words of support on Twitter, congratulating the Washington Wizards center.


Seemingly harmless, but not to the Wisconsin church where Butler had a speech scheduled, who cancelled Butler's engagement because of support to Collins for being strong enough to come out and announce that he was gay.





I'm not one to get into the religious aspect of this whole debate, but churches would condemn millions if they knew about all the others sins that happen daily. I can see where the church has their beliefs and they can cancel out anyone who doesn't share them.

I applaud Butler for not bowing down and caving in to how many feel about Collins coming out. Personally, if Collins was on a team I was a fan of I wouldn't care as long as he helped my team win games. Other than that, it's his life.

I understand both sides of this debate, but I wonder how the church Collins attends feels about it.


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