
Alex Rodriguez June 2013Major League Baseball is planning on suspending 20 players in accordance with their association of a Miami clinic.

This clinic has been the center of the most recent performance-enhancing drug scandal. Star players such as Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun are among the 20 people, according to ESPN's Outside The Lines.

After refusing to cooperate initially, Tony Bosch, founder of  Biogenesis of America, has  reached an agreement to do so. This is believed to be significant because it gives the MLB the power and evidence to punish these players.

The punishments will vary, from a 100-day suspension for second-time offenders (Braun and A-Rod). Players , in this case, are considered second-time offenders if they lied to the MLB about use of these drugs and association with the clinic and its owner, which counts as the second.

As of now, MLB officials have declined to answer. It is known that Bosch will be meeting with MLB officials within a week and the punishments will be announced after the meetings.


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