
Too many times I have seen people I know jump on bandwagons, ditching the teams they "loved". I might dislike fans of rival teams, but I hate flip-floppers and front-runners.

This video is hilarious and definitely worth your time about this four-year-old Mets fan who tries become a bandwagon New York Yankees one.


The father who filmed his son in this video commented on it saying this:

Our local NBC affiliate did a story on us that aired last night on the 11pm news. The link is in the description of the video. Thank you for the positive comments. As a father my goal is to instill strong values into my boys. Learning to lose is one of them. This was not about picking on him or not letting him be a Yankee fan. It was about teaching my son a valuable life lesson that in life "we don't always win" and when we lose "we pick up our head and try again." God bless you all. 


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