
Brian Cashman 2013Alex Rodriguez was verified on Twitter Monday, and it didn't take long for him to cause problems for the New York Yankees and their general manager, Brian Cashman.

The tweet in question was A-Rod updating Yankees fans on his injury recovery process, sending out the news that he was cleared for rehab games. This contradicted Cashman's own update on Monday, who said Rodriguez was just "getting closer."

In response to A-Rod's tweet, Cashman had some harsh words in return.

"You know what, when the Yankees want to announce something, [we will]...Alex should just shut the f--- up. That's it. I'm going to call Alex now."

The Yankees relationship with Rodriguez seems as tenuous as ever.

Memories of A-Rod asking for a female's phone number during the 2012 ALCS remain bright in fans' eyes and his appearance in documents connecting him to the Biogenesis Lab (currently under MLB investigation for PED distribution) continue to keep him in the limelight for all the wrong reasons.

Baseball may look to ban Rodriguez for up to 100 games for this issue, and the Yankees themselves could be looking for any opportunity to find a legal reach for breach of contract -- anything to get out of the $100 million-plus they still owe him.

A-Rod is still under contract with New York until 2017.


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