
John-Wall-Terio-DanceAs a player, I like John Wall. He has a boat load of talent and should be very productive next year for the Washington Wizards. As a dancer though, I'm selling Wall's chances of ever making it big.

Check out this video Wall posted on Instagram of him showing off his dances moves:

I'm not a dance expert, but I don't think I have to be to know that that was awful. Stick to making rim rattling dunks and killer crossovers on the court John. That's where you're future is, not on Dancing With The Stars.


Apparently, John Wall was copying the dance made by Terio, who has been featured in popular videos made on Vine:

[youtube url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7WHOwzVDAo" width="560" height="315"]

[Mike Lucas Sports]


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