Here is what Hip Hop Hollywood says went down at the club:
HipHollywood was inside Lure’s über popular day party “Toxic” this weekend where a fight went down between NBA star Brandon Jennings and The Game. Moments after we left the venue, multiple sources tell HH that the two men got into an argument over who could use the deejay’s microphone.The Game has shown in the past he isn't afraid to fight anybody. He's made himself a bully among the rap game and in the world. It wouldn't be surprising at all to find out if this rumor is actually true.
Jennings was at Lure hosting his birthday party with friends, which didn’t sit well with the Compton rapper who frequents the club. “Game feels like Toxic is his, and he didn’t like that Jennings was hogging the microphone. He felt like he was being disrespected,” one person who witnessed the altercation tells us. “Game tried to have words with him, and it just escalated quickly and Game hit Brandon in the mouth,” another source says.