Things may be heating up on campus, but for NFL executives who are extremely high on Clowney, things are business as usual in evaluating him. According to USA Today, Clowney is still a sure thing.
“Nah, no one will care,” an executive in personnel for an NFL team said. “If he’s healthy, works out well and most importantly interviews well, it won’t hurt him.”
“No one cares. He’s injured," said another executive.
I find it hilarious that those same people who based Clowney for returning to school and not sitting out are now questioning his character and toughness. Clowney watched Marcus Lattimore tear his knee up twice. Clowney has seen guys fall in the draft because of injury.
What’s the difference between Clowney deciding pregame that he couldn’t play, and Calvin Johnson doing the same on Sunday for the Detroit Lions? Absolutely nothing. Johnson couldn’t play because of a knee and he made his own choice. Clowney doesn’t get paid, but I applaud him for making a choice.
The only folks who seem to be upset by him sitting out a meaningless game against Kentucky are the only ones who profit off of his playing.
This article was written by Glenn Erby. Follow him on Twitter here and read more of his work here.