The middle of the 2013 NFL season was highlighted by the Jonathan Martin-Richie Incognito bullying scandal on the Miami Dolphins. A lot of the scandal has simmered down but has came back up recently after text messages between the two were released. Here are all the 1,000-plus text messages between Incognito and Martin:
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The Big Lead, who found the texts, notes the following:
* Early January, 2013: The much-discussed Vegas trip. Incognito tells Martin he needs to bring $6k. Martin bails.
* Between the Super Bowl and mid-March in 2013, Incognito appears most interested in how Martin’s offseason is going. That’s when there’s the most chatter about preparation for the following season.
* In late September 2013, Martin appears to pull back from the partying and hanging out, and he does so again in mid-October, right before he leaves the team.
Neither Martin’s lawyer, Incognito’s lawyer or Incognito’s agent returned calls Monday seeking comment. (Incognito’s texts are highlighted in green below, Martin’s are in the gray background.)