
Rob Gronkowski January 2015

Rob Gronkowski has a place in my heart after this cool stunt. Gronk channeled his inner Allen Iverson during this rant in which he mentioned "practice" 11 times.

According to Gronkowski, the New England Patriots’ performance Saturday against the Baltimore Ravens will come down to how they practice this week.

Gronkowski spent the next few minutes mentioning or phrasing the topic of practice in every answer after that.

From NESN:

Q: How does it feel to get the playoff week finally started?

A: It feels good. It feels good just to be back out there on the practice field. Practicing hard, executing, practicing together as a team. Just gotta keep working hard.

Q: What’s it like going up against a team you see so often?

A: They’re a very challenging, tough team. They got a lot of good players. They’re fast, they’re physical, and they’re always prepared, always ready. We gotta keep practicing hard. Gotta keep preparing mentally and physically. We gotta be ready. They’re always challenging, and they’re always very tough.

Q: How would you describe practice went today with full pads?

A: Just like any other week. We’re trying to go out there, trying to execute out in practice. We’re trying to stick together as one, execute, everyone on the same page. All the chemistry the same between receivers, quarterbacks, tight ends, linemen, running backs, whatever it is. Just going out to practice, practicing hard and preparing.

Q: How fresh did you feel?

A: Felt good. Felt good out there at practice. Felt like any other practice. Just gotta go out there and have the mentality to get better.

Q: Did the full pads snap you back?

A: We practice basically with full pads every week. Just like any other week. Just like any other week. Just going out there in full pads, hitting and getting better. It was a good practice, and just gotta keep working hard, no doubt.

Q: How special does it feel to be back on the field for the playoffs?

A: It’s always special, just being in the playoffs overall. It’s a very difficult season throughout the whole NFL, and it’s just awesome to be part of it. I can’t take it for granted. Gotta work your tail off, keep preparing hard and go out there and play to the best of my ability.

Q: What defines the Ravens’ defense?

A: They’re a very physical team. Their front line is very big, very physical. You can’t just go out there and be soft. They got very good players. They’re always physically, mentally ready, so it’s gotta be a challenge, and it’s gonna be tough no doubt. We gotta go out and execute and be prepared.

Q: What impressed you about their execution against Pittsburgh?

A: Oh, yes, no doubt. They’re a very good team. No doubt about that. They bring it. That’s what impresses the most is that they bring it, and it’s not just one play or two plays. They bring it every play, and I gotta be ready. I gotta be ready and be prepared.


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