
Peyton Manning GOAT

The website Football Perspective did what they call a "Wisdom of Crowds" election, where commenters ranked the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history.

The post got over 300 comments, and the top 3 had what you would expect: Joe Montana, Tom Brady and Peyton Manning.

Despite Brady coming off a fourth ring, and how the media and general fans value RINGGZZZZZ, it came to my surprise that Manning was ranked No. 1 to the general fanbase.

Take a look:

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The whole list can be seen here.

For this whole month on Twitter, I've been seeing countless — yet meaningless — GOAT QB debates. It kind of annoys me, since the criteria is different for everyone.

For me personally, I'd have to say Manning is the greatest. And actually, to be quite honest, my top 3 is just how that list is. I go Manning, Montana and then Brady.

Basically, those three will forever be part of the GOAT debate. You can make a case for each of the three, and very strong ones at that. For me, I think it's Manning, and it's not even close. However, I'm not going to get into that.

It's pretty solid ballot, and a fair one I think.

What do you think?


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