
This year's NBA regular season MVP award will likely be handed to either James Harden or Stephen Curry. Kobe Bryant, a one-time award winner, was asked about the race.

He's going with the Beard:

Bryant explained to Yo, “That is a tough call, you have James [Harden] who has been playing consistent all through the season. Steph [Curry], who has been doing phenomenal things. That is a tough call for me but I would have to say James [Harden].”

He goes on to say, “[James Harden] had to keep that team afloat. I think the team actually got better, when he went down. Which is hard to do. So I think with the responsibilities he had to deal with this season I’d vote James [Harden].”

I would agree with Harden. I personally would vote for him as well, but I think the winner will be Curry based off all the hype he has received this year.

Don't get me wrong, though. Curry is a very deserving candidate. I just think Harden should win.


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