
What's up guys. Hope you enjoyed this past Final Four weekend. Living in Indiana, it was a blast checking everything out.

Well, I'm on spring break (or what everyone has been obnoxiously saying for the past few years, SPRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG BREAK), and I'm finally going to be going out of town for the first time in five years.

Hilariously, I'm going to New York of all places. Not exactly a "spring break" spot, since everyone likes to go to Florida or something, but I don't mind. I wish I went during All-Star break.

Anyways, enough ranting.

Put it simply, I won't be posting for the next few days, so the site won't have much content. FootBasket will be on "break." It's all good, though. I know y'all will be checking out the Twitter page. I always got something on there.

Follow @FootBasket if you need anything. I'll be back to the regular stuff on Monday. And if you're on spring break right now like me, hope you're having fun.



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