
The Indiana Pacers made a big move during the 2015 NBA Free Agency period, trading center Roy Hibbert to the Los Angeles Lakers.

Hibbert will now be on a rebuilding Lakers squad, being the new starting center and playing with the likes of Kobe Bryant.

It's unknown if he'll be apart of the team's future plans as they move forward with the likes of Julius Randle, D'Angelo Russell and Jordan Clarkson, but he is a nice filler piece for now.

However, one thing Hibbert must fix is his Twitter account. Currently, his Twitter avatar and background have Pacers-related themes. The avatar still has him in a Pacers jersey, while the background is the Pacers' "Blue Collar Gold Swagger" theme.

The handle doesn't help either, as it's @Hoya2aPacer:

Probably the smartest thing it do is just change the "Pacer" part in his Twitter handle to "Laker." However, @Hoya2aLaker is already taken.

The @RoyHibbert handle is also taken as well.

We'll see if Big Roy can figure it out. Or, as FTW suggests, he could do @Hoya2aPacer2aLaker.


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