

Cam Newton set everyone up with the troll, and it was the easiest bait and catch I’ve seen in sometime.

On Thursday before the Carolina Panthers played the Pittsburgh Steelers in the final exhibition game, Newton posted a photo to his Instagram account of himself with seven of his close friends on a trip to Mexico.

Some of the friends are wearing bandanas on their faces and making hand gestures while Newton, in the front, has his hands in the form of a "W."

Most of the comments centered around gang culture and whether Newton was a Crip or Blood.

Friday Newton took to IG again, to set the record straight, using another photo to highlight the stereotypes and judgments that serve no real purpose.

"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want." -Muhammad Ali Before you begin to judge!? 1. Every1 in the previous post has a degree and is WELL educated.... DO/ARE YOU!?? 2. I am; who I am; and why are you so judge mental in "2015".... ARE YOU AFRA1D of what you don't understand!?? If you DONT understand why throw SHADE (speaking on something you do not know about; for people who don't understand the meaning of throwing "shade"). Now with all that said, "I COU1D REALLY CARE 1ESS WHAT YOU TH1NK OF ME; IamWHATiAM AND THATS A PERSON TRYiNG TO CHASE GREATNESS NOT TRYiNG TO BE ANY1ELSE or WHAT 👉🏻👉🏼👉🏽👉🏾👉🏿you👈🏻👈🏼👈🏽👈🏾👈🏿 WANT ME TO BE" 3. Is this picture better for you S1MPLEminded PEOP1E; who are quick to judge something/someone "WHEN YOU ARE NO BETTER THAN THE NEXT PERSON"!? ⏩something to think about⏪ •2PiCTURES •SAMEpeopleINbothPICTURES •WHATdoYOUsee "OR" •WHATdoYOUwantTOsee ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓ ............in the famous words of the JOKER "WHYsoSER1OUS"myK1LLA😜.............. -1OVE
A photo posted by Cam Newton (@cameron1newton) on

Newton told the media at Panthers practice that he wouldn’t be “forced into a box” or made to act like the stereotypical quarterback.

By Glenn Erby


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