

Freebandz is running the streets right now, but Seattle Seahawks players will only hear him on their MP3 players or car stereo’s.

The Seahawks understandably want Future to be played before games and practices, but the resident DJ says he can’t do it.

Here is his reasoning, per Billboard:

This year, I’ve been getting a lot of requests for Future. But that dynamic is weird too, because I can barely play Future with Ciara running around and that’s her baby’s dad. It’s just that he has a dope-ass album out right now, players like to hear it, it definitely gets you pumped up — even though it’s low-tempo, it’s still stuff that you want to hear — and then you’ve got Ciara running up with little baby Future and she’s dating Russell so it’s like, “Oh f—.”

Only the Seahawks know if this will end up being a messy situation, or a DJ making a big deal out of nothing.

By Glenn Erby


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