

If this isn’t the police making a lot out of nothing. Despite almost dying, Lamar Odom really could face drug charges from a district attorney looking to make a name for herself with a big-time case.

Nye County D.A. Angela Bello said her office is considering filing criminal charges against Lamar — either possession of coke or being under the influence of a controlled substance.

An official from the Nye County Sheriff’s office tells us they have definitely referred such cases to the D.A., but the official does not know of any cases that have actually been prosecuted.

We contacted the D.A. and asked if they ever prosecuted someone who ended up in the hospital after OD’ing on drugs, but we could find none.

Odom may not even be in a position to answer questions, let alone face a trial. Yet, TMZ is reporting that there has never been a single case in Nye County where someone overdosed, found themselves hospitalized and then was prosecuted.

By Glenn Erby


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