

Note to self: if you’re going to attempt to be a hoverboard salesman, make sure you know how to ride the instrument first.

A salesman needed to be taken away in an ambulance after he fell face first into his stand while doing a demonstration for a potential buyer.

The Mirror has more on this hilarious story:
A hoverboard salesman was injured after he fell off the gadget while demonstrating how it works in a shopping centre.

The man needed to be taken away in an ambulance after he fell “headlong” into his own stall, in the Jervis Shopping Centre in Dublin.

Eyewitness Tobias Bourke told of his shock at seeing the man fall heavily from the board this morning.

He told the Irish Mirror: “Jervis Shopping Centre has a stand selling those hoverboards.

“The salesman who demonstrates how they work by scooting around was showing a group of people how they work.”
The man was taken to the hospital, but the show must go on so a new salesman was trotted out in his place.


By Glenn Erby


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