

Americans love sports, from baseball to basketball, tennis, ice hockey, boxing, and golf. The sheer number of fans at sporting events and the noise out there is enough to understand the popularity of this form of entertainment.  

Surveys suggest that fans have a new hot favorite now, with soccer emerging as the fastest-growing team sport in the country in recent years. 

According to a recent Gallup poll, 31% of Americans stated they were avid soccer fans, which was an all-time high. 

Seemingly, the country is on the verge of becoming a true soccer nation. That’s coming a long way from people showing enthusiasm during the World Cup tournament, and losing interest once the event is over.

The viewership for the 2022 World Cup was huge in the US, and things were just as big for events such as MLS Cup and NWSL final. 

The numbers suggest that the appetite for soccer is going beyond the international stage. If you are a true-blue soccer fan, you will surely feel the adrenaline rushing at every match and event, regardless of its level and importance.

Before you show your excitement in the field, you must remember that sports fans must stay true to etiquette. You cannot go around screaming and throwing stuff as if you are the only big fan of the game. 

Here are a few unspoken rules soccer lovers must follow while cheering for the national team.

Dress Appropriately

Remember to dress your part when you are out there to root for your country’s team. Fans love to wear the colors of their team, so you will see a lot of white, red, and blue during a national match. 

The United States Men’s National Team (USMNT) swapped the red stripes on their crest with a rainbow during the 2022 World Cup. But the classic color choices for the fans remain the same. You can buy the official jersey for the USA Soccer Team over at Nike.com here

Besides dressing up in the team’s colors, prioritize dressing for the weather. The stadium can get hot, and you may end up sweating a lot if you do not wear appropriate clothing. 

Be ready to bear the brunt of the elements because you will be exposed to the elements. The more comfortable you are, the more fun you have. 

Carry the Flag

Wearing the team colors is a great start for a soccer fan looking to support the national team. But gearing up for the big event is also about carrying the national flag because it can boost the morale of players and fellow fans. 

Moreover, you have a better shot of being captured by the camera every time you wave the flag. You can check US flags in different sizes on this site to gear up before the next big event.

US Flags notes that quality should be paramount for sports fans buying the national flag for a tournament. 

Quality translates into durability, which means you can reuse the flag match after match and year after year. You can even display it at home when a tournament isn’t happening.

Watch Your Voice

The roar in the soccer stadium can be deafening, particularly when the national team is in action at an international event. 

Experts compare it to the sound of a jet engine taking off, which isn’t healthy for the ear. While the noise makes the experience all the more exciting, it doesn’t mean you should shout at the top of your voice to be heard.

Of course, you want to be seen and get attention. But be considerate of others who are there to enjoy the match. 

Besides managing your pitch, don’t distract others by constantly getting up and down your seat to buy snacks or visit friends across the aisle. Avoid taking cell phone calls because you may irritate those around you by yelling to be heard.

Be a Sport

Be a sport in the stadium because you are there to show respect to your team and country. That hardly means you should disrespect the other team and country. 

Fans love booing to show their displeasure, but remember that there’s a time to boo. Trouble can brew if you boo during the national anthem of the opposing team.

Mexican soccer fans soured the atmosphere by doing it when the United States national anthem was played moments during a World Cup qualifier in 2017. 

Avoid booing during moments like injuries on the field or your team falling short of expectations. Avoid racist remarks and abuse toward players because such actions can land you in trouble with the authorities. 


Soccer is a thrilling sport and the excitement peaks when your national team is on the field. But true fans follow the rules when it comes to cheering their teams and players, no matter how exhilarating things are out there. 

Follow these unspoken rules to have a great time cheering for your team without offending anyone. 


Low price, available in multiple styles and colors!