

Thanks to advancing technology and the popularity of electric scooters, you tend to find a wide variety of electric scooters on the market. This quote varies in terms of price, quality, features, and functionality. 

What an electric scooter would cost greatly depends on what you are looking for in terms of battery life, quality, performance, and other features. 

Know that you can get an electric scooter for as little as $100, and the price range can go above $4000. Generally, a mid-range scooter that falls somewhere between $800 and $2000 offers quality, top-notch features, and they keep in mind the affordability factor!

Nonetheless, here is a breakdown of how much does electric scooter costs.

Low-End Electric Scooters

On the low end, we have electric scooters that fall within the $300 range. 

These are mostly scooters designed and manufactured for kids, and they have low-capacity batteries, power brakes, and underpowered motors. But they’re extremely popular among the younger lot, especially the kids!

Nonetheless, we do have some exceptions in this price range. There are some really good inner-city commutes that you can find within the range of $250. 

Of course, you have to do in-depth market research for this purpose, as there are few options available, but you will find something.

Even scooters that fall within the range of $300 to $500 are considered budget-friendly scooters in the open market, and they run low on performance and overall experience.

Of course, with E scooters electronic scooters, you can find some really good electronic scooters, including the Drider X7, D rider X8, Drider A100, and Drider 8 Max, within the $500 window.

Note: These scooters are currently on sale; the original price is above $500.

Scooters within this range offer more features, configuration settings, better quality, and a higher top speed in comparison to scooters that fall under the $300 category.

Investing in an electric scooter by escooter within this range would surely offer better features, including dual braking systems, suspension, regenerative braking, and so on.

They are also lightweight and portable, making them extremely easy to carry around. They’re not going to do very well for uphill travel, and don’t expect them to last for a long time. After all, durability comes with a price. 

We recommend these scooters to people who are at the beginner level and would be using the scooter for mostly inner-city commutes. All in all, the scooters are suitable for short distances.

Intermediate Electric Scooters

Next, we have premium quality scooters that offer a much better riding experience, features, and functionalities. 

However, you will be spending a handsome amount on these scooters. Generally, an intermediate scooter would cost you somewhere between $800 and $2000. 

Scooters falling under this range would offer you more of everything! You’re bound to get better features, the greatest speed, better range, coma dual motors, advanced braking systems, and a robust suspension system.
The scooters are great for travel, not for only inner city commutes but also on rough terrain. Most of these 20 mph electric scooters under $1000 are a great option for beginners and intermediate scooter riders! 

Premium Electric Scooter 

If you're willing to spend somewhere between $2000 and $5000, you should definitely go for a high-performance electric scooter. These scooters have robustness, durability, functionality, and flexibility.

Of course, you can use them for the inner city's daily commutes, but they are an alternative to motorcycles. They come with hydraulic braking systems, dual motors, big tires, massive batteries, an impressive range, and great top speeds.

Most of these scooters offer a range between 40 and 50 mph and a top speed of about 40 and above mph. Some might consider that the price is too high, but you have to look at the features and functionality these amazing scooters offer. 

You simply cannot compare them with a budget-friendly $1000 scooter, as they belong to a completely different league.

These professional electric scooters offer enthusiasts who love speed, a unique mode of transportation, and want to add a touch of class to their overall ride.

General Factors That Determine the Price

The price variation is basically a reflection of what components and how many of them an electric scooter offers. 

For instance, single or dual braking systems, hydraulic brakes or mechanical brakes, battery capacity, motor power, dual motors, suspension systems, LED lights, tire size, and several others play an important role when determining the price of the electric scooter.

Also, the material that the manufacturer uses increases or decreases the overall price. For instance, for study quality frames, the manufacturer would prefer using solid metal instead of lightweight or low-quality metal.

So before buying an electric scooter, list all the features and functionalities you want the scooter to have. Only then can you truly find out how much does an electric scooter cost?


Low price, available in multiple styles and colors!