

Sports glory isn't just sweat and muscle; it's also about smart eating. Whether you're already a professional and utilizing personal training such as Fitness With Tim—or just starting, you have to understand that proper nutrition plays a crucial role in your game. 

Before you can conquer that field, court, or track, you must first master the most important arena of all: your plate. 

This article will guide you to build a meal plan that will help fuel your journey toward becoming a champion. 

Let’s get you started!

Why Is Optimal Nutrition Important for Athletes?

Just as high-performance cars require the right fuel to run efficiently, athletes need proper nutrition to perform at their best. 

It's what they eat that will give them sufficient strength and energy to meet all the demands in training and the actual game. 

Hence, it’s very important to take time to build a meal plan to ensure you get just the right amount of nutrition in your body to become a champion. In doing so, consider your body weight, time spent in training, and the type of sport you do. 

What’s in Sports Nutrition?

What you eat matters, especially when conditioning your body for a big game. Ensure that you have balanced meals to help you become the MVP that you already are. 

Have a suitable diet by considering:


Macronutrients form the bedrock of an athlete's dietary regimen, encompassing carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. 

Their role is pivotal, furnishing the requisite energy for any physical endeavor, thus empowering peak performance across a spectrum of sports. 

According to the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), the interplay of these three nutritional pillars can be tailored to suit the intensity of your chosen sport, culminating in a harmonious synergy of sustenance and athletic aspiration.


Carbohydrates – the very essence of vitality. Picture them as your body's preferred rocket fuel, especially during those breathtaking bursts of energy. 

The wise sages of nutrition suggest embracing complex carbs, such as the virtuous whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as they release energy in rhythmic harmony, supporting your endurance and keeping you in the race.


Protein is the one that helps with building and repairing muscles. After a killer workout, protein swoops in to save the day by keeping your muscles intact and ready for round two. 

Good protein sources include lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, nuts, and dairy products.


Fats may be the underdog, but they've got the game. Healthy fats from nuts, avocados, and olive oil keep you cruising during those long sessions. 

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in salmon and chia seeds, are the superstars in fighting inflammation and helping you recover like a pro. 

Follow the ISSN recommendation of consuming around 30% of daily calories or up to 50% on extreme training sessions or if you're on a ketogenic diet. Sneak in some keto snacks along or in between meals to meet your fat ratio.


In the realm of optimal health, while numerous vitamins and minerals play their roles, the focus must illuminate the path toward the consumption of three vital elements: calcium, vitamin D, and iron. 

Calcium is responsible for keeping your bones healthy. Vitamin D is the one regulating and absorbing calcium. 

And iron helps with delivering oxygen to your body tissues. All these nutrients are essential to face any challenge you may encounter through your game. But aside from getting them from micronutrient-dense foods, you may also consider taking supplements. 

Calorie Intake

As an athlete, it's important to ensure that your calorie intake matches the energy lost through activities. 

As per ISSN, when training intensely for two to six hours per day, five to six times a week, you must at least have 40–70 calories per 1 kg of body weight per day because that level of activity may burn 40–70 calories per 1 kg of body weight every hour of continuous exercise.

If you weigh 50–100 kg, you may need to consume 2,000–7,000 calories daily. Those athletes weighing 100–150 kg may require 6,000–12,000 calories per day to meet training demands.


Dehydration is a factor that can take away your victory. It can decrease your energy levels, cause you to lose focus, and even compromise your performance. 

Hence, always stay hydrated (with water!), for it can be your secret weapon to deliver exceptional gameplay. For optimal hydration, use these tips:

Drink water throughout the day: Sip water throughout the day instead of consuming large amounts all at once.

Monitor urine color: If your pee is pale yellow, that means you're winning at hydration. Dark yellow? Drink more water.

Electrolyte balance: After serious sweat sessions, your body craves electrolytes like sodium and potassium. Grab a sports drink or some potassium-rich eats to refuel.

Meal Timing

The timing of your meals is another crucial factor in how you will perform in your game. If you already have a routine (pre-game, during, and post-game) that works, follow that and try not to experiment, especially on the day of the competition. 

If not, you must follow the golden rule of eating your meals three hours before your activity for proper digestion. They should have both macro and micronutrients. If possible, keep them light to avoid feeling sluggish during your physical activities.


Greatness isn't all sweat – it's what you eat too. 

With the right balance of carbs, protein, and fats, plus staying hydrated, monitoring your calorie intake, and timing your meals, you'll be fueling your inner champion.


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